Last July 27, 2012 some of my high school classmates and I had a mini reunion at Carla's house to celebrate her 18th birthday! Its been a looooong since I bonded with Carla and Stelle, they are always busy and because of our schedules doesn't match. WE COULD SAY ITS A TGIF NIGHT!
After eating Pizza and Pasta, we did what we do best! MAGKULITAN.
My first victim in Couch wrestling Kayla!! Look at her reaction made me think that I am really heavy!
Kayla Gecko look! :)
As every reunion and celebration goes, GROUP SHOTS IS ALWAYS A MUST. :)
Me, Ivy, Carla, Kayla, Stelle, John Paul and Dianne (Ronald is our photographer!)
Some timed shots so you can see that Ronald is already included in the picture!
This day is just so awesome, I mean having fun with your High School friends, You can really say that nothing beats the bond of your high school friends even though its more that 1 year since we graduated from CSD, we can still talk without awkwardness, We can still say mean stuffs to each other without getting offended, We can hit each other without getting irritated. Being with them, you can really enjoy simple bonding! We've been talking and laughing for hours and hours and we didn't notice so time we're shocked because it was really late na.